
Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Pou Writing

As part of our writing programme we have been doing environmental writing. We had to sketch an object and as we were sketching we wrote down thoughts that we had. Then we wrote our thoughts down  as a poem. We cut out the sketch and added this to our writing.

Koru weaving Term 2

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Multiplication Term 2

We have been learning to work out multiplication problems involving 2 times tables. Here is some work I did. I needed a bit of help.

Monday, 11 June 2018

Basic facts Term 2

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.
I am at Stage 2-3.

Handwriting Term 2

We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at forming my letters.

I need to get better at my copying carefully.

Friday, 8 June 2018

Mr Golf

We have been learning how to play golf

I liked the competion.

I am good at swinging the club from i a 'y' to a 'L' shape.

I need to work on lifting the ball off the ground.

If some one hit the flag Mr golf had to do ten push ups.

This is Tristan showing us how to hit the ball .

Hot Air Balloon

This week we have used a picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and
then we had to carry on the story. What I like about my writing is you can have a good imagination.

I need to improve on adding more good words. We also made a google draw showing the things that we would take with us in on the balloon.

I have been waiting for a long time. I have seen Mountains and birds. I went to Australia I saw snakes and spiders. It was my mum's birthday on the hot air balloon. My balloon was colourful it has lights on it. With the money I would buy a monster truck with my friends. For dinner we had pizza. It was yum. My monster truck would be a golden wolf. I just wish that I could be on one. When I'm a man I'm going on one. Then I would be rich and famous.

Animal Town

This week we have used another picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and then we had to carry on the story.
What I like about my writing is that the picture helps me to write my story.
I need to improve on writing more and checking my spelling.

Here is my writing about Animal Town.

It feels so good to be in Animal Town.
I could be a lion in Animal  Town. I would look
like a lion with hair around my head.
I have orange and black skin.
I could be the king of Animal Town I will have guards.
my guards would be the bear, koala ,giraffe and zebra. I trained them.
to be my guards to fight for me. I will have a statue of me roaring.
The people would have a good life.