
Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Peco Incident Font cover

This term I have made a Peco Incident front cover. It was one of my activities and I did this one. 
We are reading a book about the bird flu. It is kind of like the Coronavirus pandemic that we are going through in the world at the moment. 

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Matariki story

This term we have made a story about matariki stars. What i found hard was the spelling. What i found easy was my characters. Here is mine i hope you like it.

Chicken Diva Art

This term we  have made a chicken diva. A Chicken diva is a bird that likes dancing. I made my own chicken diva here is mine.

Couplet Poem

In term two we did rhyming couplets. Rhyming couplets are a poems that has two lines and the last words on each line has to rhyme. We did rhyming about Matariki and rockets. Here is mine I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Mlutiplication Wheels

Kia, Ora

We have been been doing maths and practising times tables. We have  Multiplication wheels I know my 10s, 3s, 8s,  4s, I am still learning my 7s, 5s, 9s. I will keep learning them.