
Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Tree hut Adjectives

 We have been learning how to use adjectives to describe a mood and atmosphere.

Here is a picture of our tree house that my group made and the adjectives to desribe the mood. Can you guess the mood and atmosphere?

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Ski trip 2020

Kia Ora

Last week at the snow we had a lesson about how to to ski. My favourite thing to do at the snow was to  build a big giant ramp and jump off the ramp.The other things that I did was to bury Jerry (Zavier's dad) in the snow and build a snowman which was fun.

Friday, 21 August 2020



This week for maths we have been measuring heads and feet. We had to first estimate what we thought the circumference and length of each of my teams heads and feet were.  Then we had to measure everyone in our group using a piece of wool, then measure the length of the wool using a metre ruler.  We made a slide show of our  measurements. Here is a graph showing my groups feet lengths.  I hope you like it.

Plate tectonic

We did an experiment to learn about plate tectonics and how the movement of the plates help shape New Zealand. I learned that there are 3 different ways that plates can move and that these movement can cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.   Here are some photos from my experiment.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Peco Incident Font cover

This term I have made a Peco Incident front cover. It was one of my activities and I did this one. 
We are reading a book about the bird flu. It is kind of like the Coronavirus pandemic that we are going through in the world at the moment. 

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Matariki story

This term we have made a story about matariki stars. What i found hard was the spelling. What i found easy was my characters. Here is mine i hope you like it.

Chicken Diva Art

This term we  have made a chicken diva. A Chicken diva is a bird that likes dancing. I made my own chicken diva here is mine.